
one semester of classes left. i can't really believe it. all i have known for the past 20 years is school. i know i still have a year left of rotations but they are more like work experience than school. it's crazy how close i am to the real world!
i was really looking forward to break, but it seems like i have been on an emotional downward spiral for the last few days. maybe i can break out of the funk since i will have so much free time to do things i really enjoy and not stress about anything. just have to try to stick to the diet so that i don't gain any weight back. that would just really enhance my depressed feelings. it would probably be a good idea to try to watch some uplifting movies for a change instead of all of these intense, dark dramas i have been watching lately.
anyway, bed time.


My mind is racing to the finish line

So many thoughts.
Can't control my crazy mind this evening.
When I was driving home this evening, first of all...it was fabulous with the windows down and some folk music playing in the background. Second of all I drove by the whig and art bar (even though they weren't really on the way) and reminisced. I miss going to those places. Even though I might not fit in at either of them perfectly, I for sure feel more comfortable and enjoy the company more at those bars than I ever have, will, or want to feel at the clones-r-us bars in five points...this description obviously excludes a few of the enjoyable places in five points including Speakeasy, Tavern, and on occasion Delaney's. But because of my failed relationship with Jess I really don't have anyone to accompany me to the bars I'd like to frequent. I'm working on it though. Soon enough I will get my friday night dancing on at art bar. Anyway back to what I was trying to get to...I was driving down Park Street and drove by the place where I hit a squirrel a few weeks ago...and there was a cat in the exact same spot that the squirrel was that I killed! The crazy part is that when I hit the squirrel it must have run under my back tire because I never saw it in the street, but I heard (and felt) a bump. I started freaking out and felt completely terrible because I thought I may have hit someone's cat..but I couldn't convince myself to go look and find out what it was. This is partially due to the fact that there was a car behind me and I could feel them staring at me thinking "Cold blooded killer!" or something along those lines. Gah, it was terrible. Luckily, when I went by the next morning though I determined that it was a squirrel so some of my nerves were calmed. (Not that it is okay to kill a squirrel, but at least I didn't kill some little kid's best friend or something) But then tonight when I saw the cat sitting there all those feelings came rushing back and I think I probably went about 3 miles an hour until I was sure the cat was safe and hundreds of feet away from my homicidal tires.
Then...I was coming down the massive hill right before the entrance into my neighborhood and something about the light of the moon tonight and the shadows it was making made the humongous kudzu overgrowth on the corner look like a big green blob monster. It was kind of rustling in the wind and looked all ominous. Creepy!
I watched seven pounds tonight. It was pretty good. I'll give it like 7.5 stars out of 10. Will Smith did a great job. It was making me feel old though because he is really starting to age. It's not a good sign when movie stars start to look old. And then I'm still trying to figure out why it is named seven pounds. I get the seven part. But what does pounds signify?
Eh time for bed.

In honor of Daisy's release today (or yesterday)
Brand New



I didn't know it was possible to be this happy.
Nothing spectacular has really happened, I am just purely, simply happy.
About time.


It is officially my last free summer of my entire life. I'm going to live it up. Starting now with margaritas at Monterrey's, then Wild Wings for our P2 summer farewell party. Beach tomorrow with my favorite roomies :) Life is good. Really good.

Time to Move On
Tom Petty
from Wildflowers


It's been busy lately. Exams and the end of the semester. One more exam and I will be half way through pharmacy school. Thank you Jesus!

Though I should be studying, we just got NetFlix so I have been watching all of the movies that you can watch instantly online. I just finished Eyes Wide Shut, which was pretty freaking awesome, so I had to add all of Kubrick's films to my long list of movies I need to see. At the moment, however, I am watching a documentary about the lives of monks. Monks fascinate me, and I think gregorian chants are one of my most favorite sounds in the entire world. That's a high honor because sound is my favorite of the five senses and making it to the top of that list is difficult. The documentary is called Into Great Silence and the only sounds are the sounds the monks make going about their daily lives. So far they haven't sung or prayed but I'm enjoying it nonetheless. The point of this quick blog though is that while I'm watching this film detailing the lives of all of these men that dedicated their lives to sacrifice and silence, I keep thinking about my life and my rejection of all things religious and divine. It is depressing me a little bit because there are so many people in the world that devote their entire lives to their religion and then there are people like me who think that pretty much their whole existance was wasted on a figment of their imagination. How much would it stink to spend your entire life working towards something that doesn't even exist? And then you die, and find out that you wasted your time. I hope for their sake that they are right, and I am wrong, but I seriously doubt it. Even if they are wrong, I have so much respect for their conviction.

For the hell of it
Song of the Day:
Dominus Exultemus
Gregorian chant by the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Saint Michael's



I'm at school, bored, sitting with Dan.
Decided to go to Indie Grits last night.
"The Hills have Thighs" was definitely interesting to say the least. It was funny and I liked how the director played around with different stereotypes and making fun of them. I really enjoyed the part when there was Q & A with the director.
I'll finish later. I don't feel like typing anymore.


Hump day

It's very rare for me to write a blog before midnight and pretty rare that I am completely sober so it's unheard of that I'm writing this at 10 am!

Did my presentation this morning at 8:30, then didn't feel like coming straight home, or staying for class so I went to Adriana's for an iced americano (which hit the spot), and then drove around campus for a bit with the windows down enjoying Dark was the Night for the bazillionth time. It's a such a nice day today. *Pause to open the windows in the apartment* Now I'm listening to Modest Mouse on Pandora and talking to Jess about ways to ask out her hot TA.
I just said "For some reason I enjoy picking things out of crevices." I surprise myself with how strange I am sometimes. We were discussing cleaning out the keyboard on our laptops. Then Jess started pulling off her peeling skin from her sunburn. Then she threw it on the floor. And she told me a story about how her sister was grossed out when she did that and she said, "What? It's just epidermis!" This is how our conversations go.
Anyway... last night we went to Taco Tuesday at the Whig with some people and then I came home finished up my powerpoint presentation and decided to head back out. We went to Speakeasy and visited PJ. It's sad that he is leaving in a month. One less cool person I know in Cola. I had a beer called Tusker, which is from South Africa I think and it was really delicious. I kept the bottle too because it has an elephant on the front. We stayed out too late and stopped by Pita Pit on the way home.
Tonight I have to decide whether to go to a fancy pharmacy dinner at some swanky hotel or go to the opening night of Indie Grits at the Nick. The dinner is free, but I'm definitely leaning towards Indie Grits because I have wanted to go since I heard about it a few years ago. I've just never had the time. I have heard good things about "The Hills have Thighs" too. Haha, what a great title. Actually, I think that just made the decision for me.
I'm also considering talking to the people at the Nick about volunteering there. I don't have that much free time but I think we are really priveleged to have such a cool establishment in Columbia and if they need some free help I would enjoy doing it and I would get to meet some really interesting people. I'm not really sure if that is bad of me since I am in pharmacy school. I should probably be volunteering my time at the free clinic or some other health related institution but honestly, I would enjoy volunteering my time at the Nick more. That's all that really matters, right?

Song of the Day:
Character Zero
by Phish
on Billy Breathes


I need a male counterpart.
Edit: need is completely the wrong word there.
Let's put it this way....life is good right now, I really can't complain about much at all, but...
It's been way too long seriously.
It's not just the sex. I mean sex would be great, yeah, but I want someone to play with my hair and someone with a stubbly chin to rub my face against in the morning. (I thought I made that word up..stubbly that is..but of course I had to double check myself in the handy Merriam and Webster's and it is an actual adjective which makes my day even better)
I want late night talks in bed and drinking coffee and reading together in the morning.
The thing is though, I don't want anything serious. I'm not ready for all that bullshit.
Where are all the intelligent, bearded, tattooed men?
I don't even think I am attracted to a guy in a button up shirt and a clean cut look anymore.
That's probably a bad situation for me since I am surrounded by "professionals" the majority of my day. What have I gotten myself into?!
I'm more of the type to believe the idea that if you don't think about it and obsess over it, it will just happen naturally, so I'm gonna stick with that right now and just try to occupy myself with other endeavors. We will see how long that lasts.

Good weekend by the way.
Mandy turns 21 in 45 minutes.
We went to dinner 3 times, watched Slumdog. I got a tan and rode my bike. Did some Wii fit. Hung out with Will. Went to bed early Saturday night, gasp. I bought white pants, which I probably won't be able to pull off. Will and I are going to find out about my tattoo on Tuesday finally!

Love Dog
by TV on the Radio
from Dear Science

P.S.- The book I'm reading isn't helping one bit.
"Then the fiery sword severed me from consciousness and set fire to my body. We blazed up together, bright as stars in the summer night, and then sank back burnt and limbless, ashes dissolved in a primordial sea of warm salt, stirring with the nascent throbbings of life."


Well I want to keep track of some of my favorite lines from the book I'm reading, which I should have been doing all along, but since I just came up with the idea, I'll start now.

*Even thinking, it turns out, affects the way genes work. How fast a man's beard grows, for instance, is partly a function of how much he thinks about sex (b/c thinking about sex produces a testosterone surge).

*It cannot be said too often: all life is one.

*From an evolutionary point of view, sex is really just a reward mechanism to encourage us to pass on our genetic material.

*I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came and went--and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this their desolation; and all hearts
Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light...

"Darkness" by Byron
(this was due to Mount Tambora erupting in the Dutch East Indies, which blocked out the sun, and caused weather changes across the planet)


It's fun getting drunk on a Monday. Too bad it doesn't happen more often.

Why do I enjoy watching the Hills? I normally am against such mainstream crap, but the Hills just gets me. I think it is because my own life is so lame and I need some excitement and drama added in. Who knows? I hope heidi leaves spencer. He is a DB. I can relate.

I have a med chem exam Wednesday, that sucks.

I loved the rant and rave this week in the free times about "the herpes".

Song of the day: (It's going to be the next song that comes on when I hit next in iTunes on random)

Long Train Runnin'
by The Doobie Brothers



Oh I forgot my song of the day and I had such a good one, so:

by Blitzen Trapper

and if anyone actually reads this, I highly recommend it. I can't stop listening!
I happen to think Nebraska is the least remarkable state in the US. I was driving with my roommate today and a car with a Nebraska tag was in front of us. I don't think I have ever seen Nebraska tag, even in all those years of playing the license place game on trips with the fam. I bet anyone reading this can't tell me a single noteworthy thing about that state. I always forget that it exists. I am good with geography too, and I don't even really know where the state is located!

I hate working on beautiful days. I feel so trapped in the back pharmacy in the drug store. It's the farthest from the pretty weather I could possibly be and today I had to work 10 hours. It sucked. And that is why I now must go to sleep. Tomorrow is going to suck...I have to study all day...seriously like 10 am til 2 am. Thumbs down!


" When I fell
on the concrete
it was lovely,
because you could see
what’s been running
so hot in me.
But when I fell
on the concrete,
you went white as
a sheet
and wished that nothing
in this world
would ever hurt me.
Well, keep wishing."

Okkervil River, "Maine Island Lovers"



I think that is why I found this hilarious...
I'm really not this immature normally...

Added thoughts:
I wonder what will cause human extinction? I definitely hope it isn't our own carelessness with the planet that is our downfall. The rest of the species alive now don't deserve that. I would hate to go down in history as the one species that caused its own extinction. I am reading a book about the history of the universe and earth, and it was just talking about how 99.9% of the species throughout the history of Earth are now extinct. Major extinctions take place about every 4 million years. Supposedly our time is almost up...so if we don't ruin this amazing planet first...what do you think is going to kill us off and what do you think the next round of species and organisms would be like? Just something to ponder...


a weekend.

Fuck Walgreens man. I better end up doing something better with my pharmacy degree. Tonight was insane and I felt so bad because I couldn't do my best work while I was there. One of the other stores closed because of a power outage and we had to deal with all of our patients plus theirs and to make things worse, our store is one of the only pharmacies open past 6 on Sunday. It was just me and the pharmacist all night, and all I could think about was how I was going so fast and rushing through things, that some person was going to get some other person's meds and die or have some crazy interaction. Let's hope everything went okay. You know it's pretty bad though when a doctor is calling in a prescription for a patient with asthma and she says that the patient will have to go to the emergency room if she doesn't get these meds, and you have to respond, I'll try my hardest to get it ready before we close. That's just not acceptable, but that's how bad it was tonight. On to happier things...

I rearranged my room today. I am one buff lady. I moved a queen size bed, a bookshelf, a chair, and a bedside table all by myself. The bookshelf broke in the process and I only managed to salvage half of it, but that's what I get for giving in and buying Walmart shit. The new arrangement gives me plenty of room for a yoga mat and Wii fit! I got Wii fit for Christmas and I still haven't even used it because there was no space in our living room. So sad. I'm going to do it tomorrow though. Pretty excited other than the part when it tells me my age based on my workout evaluation. I have heard it is pretty brutal. I'm hoping for 40 or so.

Friday night was a blast. Went to art bar. I was having withdrawals it had been so long. First we got to see the belly and fire dancers, which were awesome! I want to take classes. Melissa met up with us and we got her in of course since the guys there don't even bother to look at our IDs anymore. We danced the night away until after 3 am. Saw a lot of fun people that I haven't seen in a while including a little starbucks reunion with Terry and Chris. I think I bought about 15 PBRs (only about 8 for myself!) over the course of the night and was only charged for 9 so that worked out nicely. Melissa had a good time, and I enjoyed her being there so I hope she can join us again.

Song in honor of Art Bar
Ready for the Floor
by Hot Chip
don't know the album


so i should probably bring all of my blog entries from the old blog over to this new one, but i'm just too lazy, oh well.
i have the worst test tomorrow on clinical trials, research, and statistics. the class is most likely the worst yet in pharmacy school.
i really am just writing this so i can post my song of the day.

Sycamore Hollow
by Blue Highway
on Through the Window of a Train

if anyone knows any other really good bluegrass like this, fill me in!


catching up

Lots of little things on my mind.
I made a list so I wouldn't forget.

First off, since I am so far behind. Disney was awesome. There were a few new rides that made the trip even more exciting. The food was really tasty of course. I got a slight tan which was a good perk. I was looking ghostly white for a while there. For the most part, the family got along. I don't think I want to spend 8 straight days with them in one hotel room that often, but every once in a while is good for us I guess. My sisters and I met a couple of guys that won the Disney version of American Idol the day we were there and stalked them on facebook. Keepin it classy, I know!

Falling on my ass story
The other night I went to the ballet with my sister, Will, and Michelle. (Which was really good, and caused a bunch of old memories to flood back.) But before we went to the ballet, I had 10 minutes to run in and change from work and get to Kroger. I threw on some heels, a cuter sweater, and washed up a little. While I was washing up, I stepped backwards and slipped right over the heels that I had sitting on the floor. When I fell, I fell hard...and to make the story even better...my ass fell directly on the heels. I have the biggest bruise imaginable and it is about 4 different colors. It hurts to sit down too. It's great. Let's hope butt tissue heals quickly.

"I secretly think of myself as an artist who doesn't make art"
I read post secret on a weekly basis, and I always try to relate them to myself, but I rarely find one that I really can connect to. People always write in talking about how they relate to so many of the secrets, but I feel like it doesn't happen that often for me. This week though, I came across this secret and it just popped out at me. I have always felt that part of me is an artist, but that there isn't a media for me to express my "inner artist" through, at least that I have found so far...maybe one day. Anyway, it was just a cool secret and it made me smile.

Dreads guy at walgreens
Today I was studying a little and about to go pull my bike out of the closet for the first bike ride of Spring, and I got a call from Walgreens that I was supposed to be there at 4. (It was 4:30 at the time) There went my afternoon...So I ran and put on my professional attire and hurried off to work. Of course when I get there the place is insane and there is over an hour wait and not nearly enough people to do everything that needed to be done. I threw myself into it though and tried to be as nice and as helpful as I could be in the circumstances. It's so crazy how no one is sincere in their daily interactions with people. We all go along saying "hello, what can I do for you?" and the majority of people saying "hi, how are you? and, without even allowing you time to answer, saying "I'm here to get Mr. Smith's prescription, or I would like a hamburger." Then you sit awkwardly at the register trying not to make eye contact and then quickly end the entire process with a "Thank you, have a nice day". It gets so fucking monotonous. Well today in all the mess, I spotted a guy in the back of the line with dreads and a beard. Sounds good already right? Well then when he gets to the front of the line, i say "hi, what can I do for you?" and he says "I need to get so and so's prescription." Of course one of them isn't ready, so I run to the back and fix it really quick. Then I run back to the front while trying to answer someone else's question in the down time. Then cool looking dude asks me, "how is your day going?" sincerely, while making eye contact...I was like wow, no way. So I tell him that it's crazy, but I'm making it. and he continues that he knows how that goes. So I decided to tell him that I was about to bike ride but then I got called into work, and he said don't you hate when that happens?. (I gave up on quotation marks...next the capitalization and punctuation will go too) I then asked, don't you work at NBT, and he said he did, but now he works at earth fare. I told him he had a memorable face and he said that it was most likely the beard and dreads. I laughed. He said thanks. It was the best part of my day at work.

Next time I'll talk about...
Do you remember the library buses that used to come to your neighborhood when you were little?

And to make up for last blog, I am going to pick two songs for song of the day.
The only cd in my car for the past few days has been Feist, so when I'm not listening to WUSC, I have been listening to her on repeat. I never realized how much I liked #7.

When I was a Young Girl
from Let it Die


Colour Revolt
Matresses Underwater
from the EP

p.s. Seal- Kiss From a Rose gets honorable mention, mostly because it is on right now and reminding me of how much I used to love that song, and a little due to it being on one of the first 2 cds I ever owned (I also got Joan Osbourne's cd with What if God was one of us? on it...I racked up!)


So i completely deleted all of the play counts and skip counts in Itunes to make my library as random as possible, sorted the songs by title, and put the first 16 that played on random into a playlist. This was the result.

we are your friends by justice vs simian
pop lock and drop it by baby huey
bittersweet by james taylor
image of the invisible by thrice
outfit by drive-by truckers
whiskey for everybody by gary jules
telluride by yonder mountain string band
there there by radiohead
cookie jar by jack johnson
high school football hero by afi
take a bow by rihanna
far from home by neil young
ice by lights
mea culpa by enigma
down in the valley by the broken west
hoppipola by sigur ros

I was getting really freaked out by the nonrandomicity of the itunes library. This playlist was the result. Not a very good representation of the music that defines Melanie, but fair and random nonetheless. This article is really interesting:


UGH Med chem. At least it's my last semester of this ridiculous class. And spring break is in 3 days.

from Dark Was The Night Compilation
Nevermind. Change of <3. Love the hair color. It's almost like I'm breaking the rules, because in the right light the color could almost be considered a magenta sort of purplish red. I like when I push the limits of my "professionalism" in pharmacy school because I think the professional label is so ridiculous. Who cares what I look like as long as I know what I am talking about! and oh god, the closed toe shoes. What is the big fucking deal with showing a little toe? I happen to have claustrophobic feet, and it drives me nuts.
I need to find somewhere new to hang out. Somewhere that guys that are worth my time hang out. Maybe I should try somewhere other than bars. The roomies and I want to start taking pottery classes. I bet guys with beards take pottery classes. At least they do in my dreams.

Song today:
Bat for lashes
from Fur and Gold


Today I did a lot. I actually went to bed around midnight on Saturday which was a nice change from the normal 4 am bedtime on weekends. I got up at 9:30 and wasn't even tired! I might have to do that more often. I watched a few lectures, so that's worth a pat on the back. Then I went over to Mandy's to bake bread. It was pretty cool seeing yeast "alive" in the dough that was rising. The baguettes we made ended up being really good. We watched some of blood diamond while discussing a cross country trip this summer. I'm definitely doing it. I have $375 set aside already. Too bad it can't be during that Sasquatch festival in Washington because that line-up competes with Bonnaroo's. I can't wait to see some national parks and the northwest.
After that I decided I was going to dye my hair. I don't really think I like it so far. I chose a "dark auburn" shade. They should probably rename it "red". The roots are red then it kind of fades out to a darker brown with a red hint to it. I guess that's what I get for buying a $15 box of hair dye, instead of paying a professional. I'm hoping the color will grow on me.
I just finished baking my own batch of bread. It didn't turn out as good as Mandy's, but that was to be expected because she is naturally better in the kitchen than me. Mine is still tasty. Warm fresh bread with butter is one of my favorite things. I discovered that today. I want my own bakery. Maybe when I move to Asheville...

So an interesting article:

I would have to go with the majority on this one. I'm not sure how I would survive in a world without music. Yeah it would blow to never have sex, but music is everywhere and is crucial for me to function on a daily basis.

Conor Oberst & Gillian Welch
from Dark Was The Night Compilation